
Other sports offers in the Province

Sport in Recoaro

Altri sports praticabili in ProvinciaThe following list contains the main sports that can be practiced in the Recoaro area:

Ski, (downhill, cross-country, ski touring), snowboard, bob, snowshoeing, rock climbing, paragliding, mountain bike, downhill, excursions, walks, jogging, marching, fitness, horse riding and much more!


Itineraries for horseback riding in the Alti Valli Vicentine



Starting point/arrival: Pizzegoro di Recoaro.

Length: 40 km 

Time required: 10/12 h - 2 days 
Difficulty: low 
Minimum altitude: 390 m - Facchini 
Maximum altitude: 1.131 m - Rifugio Battisti Loc. Gazza 
Period of the year: late spring, summer, autumn
Route: it is long but not too demanding, it runs at the foothill of the Small Dolomites, through centuries-old trees and mountain pastures, till reaching Passo Xon. It continues through woods and districts, along the ridge that separates Valle dell’Agno from Val Leogra. From Passo della Camonda it is necessary to descend to the mountain, through the forest, to reach the starting point once again. There are great panoramic points on the surrounding mountains and on the valley of Recoaro Terme. It is suitable for 2-day-long trips from late spring to autumn.


Starting point/arrival: Loc. Facchini di Recoaro
Length: 14 km
Time required: 4,30 h
Difficulty: medium
Minimum altitude: 332 m - Danese
Maximum altitude: 755 m - Rifugio Civillina
Period of the year: all year long
Route: this is a challenging route, especially because of the piedmont characteristics of the territory. It winds along districts, meadows and woods, around Mount Civillina, on the western part of the ridge dividing Valle dell’Agno from Val Leogra. The panoramic view on the Small Dolomites is truly breath-taking. It is suitable for a day trip, at any time of the year, paying attention during winter season.


Starting point/arrival: Poleo - Schio
Length: 18 km
Time required: 5 h
Difficulty: low
Minimum altitude: 280 m - Poleo
Maximum altitude: 975 m - Mount Enna 
Period of the year: all year long
Route: it is a loop itinerary that starts and ends in Poleo, near Schio, going around Mount Enna, reaching its peak, where the fort of the same name lies, dated back to the First World War. Mostly on gravel road, it takes a day to complete it, even during winter season and with favourable weather conditions.


Starting point/arrival: Poleo - Schio 
Length: 26 km 
Time required: 8 h 
Difficulty: medium
Minimum altitude: 280 m - Poleo 
Maximum altitude: 1690 m - Mount Rivon 
Period of the year: late spring, summer, autumn
Route: the route starts from Poleo, near Schio, and rises up to Mount Novegno, through the woods and districts, going around Busa Novegno, where there are still visible traces of the fights that took place during the First World War. Mount Rione (1690m) is a place of great interest, on top of which lies the fort of the same name. Great panoramic views, mostly on gravel road, can be completed within a day. It is not accessible during winter season.


Starting point/arrival: Schio - Posina 
Length: 20 km 
Time required: 7 h 
Difficulty: medium/high 
Minimum altitude: 210 m - Schio 
Maximum altitude: 1102 m - Colletto di Posina 
Period of the year: summer
Route: the route is rather long, it starts either from SS. Trinità or from Poleo, near Schio, and runs along the north side of Val Leogra, goes down in Posina through Colletto di Posina (1102 m). It is a day trip and is accessible during summer. We recommend to be escorted by an experienced local rider and for both the horse and the rider to be in good physical conditions.


Starting point/arrival: Le Piane - Schio 
Length: 19 km 
Time required: 5 h 
Difficulty: medium
Minimum altitude: 360 m - Piane 
Maximum altitude: 885 m - Colletto Grande di Velo 
Period of the year: all year long
Route: Starting from Località Le Piane, near Schio, the route leads through Colletto di Velo, goes around the Tretto Plateau, across old districts, meadows and woods. Wonderful view on Mount Summano and Mount Novegreo. It is perfect for a day trip, accessible all year long, paying attention during winter season.


Starting point/arrival: Murello/Cave di Santorso 
Length: 15 km 
Time required: 4 h 
Difficulty: medium/low 
Minimum altitude: 250 m - Murello/Cave di Santorso 
Maximum altitude: 1050 m - Campigolo 
Period of the year: all year long
Route: the route is on gravel road and winds along the south side of Mount Summano, with great panoramic view on the plain. In spring, flower blooming is a sight to behold. It is possible to see structures from the First World War. It is perfect for a day trip, accessible all year long, paying attention during winter season.

For bikers


Per ciclisti

The Landscapes of Palladio tour starts right in the heart of Vicenza, passing through the elegant streets of the centre towards the suggestive countryside of the Berici Hills.

As you leave the centre, take the Riviera Berica cycling path that begins near the Arco delle Scalette (“Arch of the little stairs”) and runs along the unused railway trail that once connected Vicenza to Noventa Vicentina. After a short stretch, nearing the Bacchiglione river, it is possible to see the Villa Capra Valmarana “la Rotonda”, one of the masterpieces of the architect Palladio. We recommend visiting the monument and subsequently enter the so-called Valletta del silenzio (“Silent Valley”), a rural paradise at the foothill of Mount Berico. After returning on the cycling path, the tour goes on until reaching Longara and then deviates to secondary roads, towards Fimon Lake.

The route crosses several country districts and offers the chance to admire an ever-enchanting landscape until reaching Fimon Lake.
This is a lake basin of great naturalistic and archaeological interest, due to the remains of a prehistoric village found near its banks. The place is encircled by the Berici Hills, modest geographical features: formed at the bottom of an ancient sea in about a hundred million years, these hills rise above the floodplain over an area of 165 square kilometres.


Per ciclistiAfter cycling around the lake and the Fimon district, the itinerary goes on towards Arcugnano, at the end of which cyclists can enjoy the wondrous view on the Berici hills (to the east) and the Vicenza Pre-Alps (to the west). Less trained cyclists can avoid the climb by cycling along the foothill road that connects Fimon to Torri di Arcugnano, finally completing the tour of the valley.
At the end of the excursion, the route reaches Mount Berico. Past the Risorgimento and resistance Museum, the Sanctuary of St. Mary of Mount Berico can be found on the right, hosting exceptional works of art of religious and devotional interest.

In front of the Sanctuary lies Piazzale della Vittoria, a wide panoramic square from which it is possible to admire the city centre and the breath-taking landscape, including mountains, from the Small Dolomites in the Asiago Plateau to Mount Grappa: a clear invitation to continue the exploration of this territory.

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The Veneto Ring tour (also known as "Anello del Veneto" in Italian) is a loop itinerary for bicycles around the province of Venice, Padua, Vicenza and Treviso that runs along the piedmont road, passing through the most beautiful cities of the region.

Starting from Venice, you can follow the cycling path on the islands of the lagoon to reach Chioggia (Venice). After visiting the city centre, the path continues along the banks of the Bacchiglione river, passing through Corti benedettine di Correzzola (Padua). At this point, you will have the chance to admire some of the most ancient thermal centres in Europe, the so-called Terme Euganee, from which it is possible to reach the centre of Padua in no time.

Following the Bacchiglione through an enchanting landscape dotted with villas, you will arrive in Vicenza, UNESCO World Heritage: after a break in the historic centre, the next stops will be in Marostica and Bassano del Grappa, the former being renowned for its chess games, the latter for Ponte Vecchio, a bridge built by Palladio.

Nestled in the gentle hills, Asolo is part of the Italian association “I Borghi più belli d’Italia”. Maser is not too far away from there, where Villa Barbaro, designed by Palladio, is located and whose walls are decorated with frescoes by the famous painter Paolo Veronese. Passing by Montebelluna (Treviso) and mount Montello, you finally reach Treviso, last leg of our tour and capital of the ‘Radicchio rosso’. From there, taking advantage of the cycling path GiraSile that runs along the river of the same name, you will be back in the lagoon once again.

Here you can download the pdf on all the legs of the tour and the gpx file for the sat nav.


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I2.1 - Venezia-Chioggia. La ciclovia delle isole      (Traccia GPX)

I2.2 - Chioggia-Abano e Montegrotto Terme. La via del sale e dello zucchero   (Traccia GPX)

I2.3 - Abano Terme-Padova-Vicenza. Tra i colli Euganei e Berici       (Traccia GPX)

I2.4 - Vicenza-Marostica-Bassano del Grappa. Prati e Risorgive       (Traccia GPX)

I2.5 - Bassano del Grappa-Treviso. Ai piedi dei Colli Asolani      (Traccia GPX)

I2.6 - Treviso-Mestre. Dal Sile alla Laguna        (Traccia GPX)



- Marostica
- Di Villa in Villa nel Basso Vicentino
- Orizzonti Palladiani
- Nel cuore dei Berici
- Ville e non solo
- Il lago e la Rotonda

For more information: Scuola berica di Mountain bike



Tonezza is a real paradise for MTB, with its ideal territory that allows MTB enthusiasts to participate to several excursions along 12 different routes surrounded by nature, history, traditions and the authenticity of the suggestive mountain landscape.
Tonezza by mountain bike



Recoaro Terme offers a wide choice of routes for mountain biking suitable for everyone, beginners and experts alike. But there is more! Even DH fans have their own routes! More information and maps can be obtained at the Recoaro Tourist Office (hotline: 0445/75070)


Mountain bike routes on the Plateau and in Recoaro


The Cammino Fogazzaro Roi


The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi (the Fogazzaro-Roi Trail) is the first of the Cammini Veneti (Veneto Trails), long routes (ideally suited to walking) which the Associazione Cammini Veneti plans to develop in the countryside and hills in the Veneto area.
The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi is the result of the work of a group of volunteers who love their land and the harmony that the rhythm of walking brings. This particular walk has been devised to introduce people to an area of Vicenza and its province, which threads from Montegalda up to Tonezza del Cimone, bringing together sport, environment and culture.

The Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi passes through places and past villas celebrated by the Vicentine writer Antonio Fogazzaro and cherished by his great-grandson the Marquess Giuseppe Roi, ambassador of Veneto culture and beauty throughout the world. It is no coincidence that the Cammino Fogazzaro-Roi was first conceived on the centenary of our great writer's death (1911-2011).

In that year, thanks to the support of the local authorities and institutions, the first signs were positioned along the 80-km-long route that passes through 14 different municipalities. It can be covered in two days by bike and in four on foot. In addition to a clear signage, it is possible to download detailed maps for each stage. (For the fittest walkers, this itinerary can be completed in three stages).

STAGE 1: Montegalda - Piazza dei Signori Vicenza, along the banks of the Bacchiglione river

STAGE 2: Vicenza - Marano Vicentino, along the cycling path

STAGE 3: Marano - Velo d'Astico

STAGE 4: Velo d'Astico - Tonezza del Cimone

The credentials can be released by the Cammini Veneti Association, you can request it by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to the Vicenza è Tourist Board This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 0444 994770. The map is also available at the Tourist Information Office in Vicenza.


credenziale fronte


cammini venetiDiscover the entire itinerary on the official website it will take you from the Montegalda countryside, along banks and pedestrian roads, to Vicenza and from Vicenza to the breath-taking water springs, reaching the Astico Valley and then up to 1000 of altitude, in Tonezza del Cimone.


The guidebook dedicated to this itinerary is written by Tommaso Cevese and Chiara Faresin and can be bought at the Tourist information office in Piazza Matteotti, 12 – Vicenza. It can also be requested by writing to the Cammini Veneti Association This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






Nordic Walking and Trekking

Experience nature in Bassano del Grappa

nordic_walking_bassano Nordic Walking Bassano -

cai_bassano Cai Bassano del Grappa - Via Schiavonetti, 26 - Bassano del Grappa - Tel. 0424.227996 -

cai_MarosticaCai Marostica e Sandrigo - Corso Mazzini, 10 - Marostica - Tel. 0424.470952 -

Experience nature in Recoaro

Hikers and walking enthusiasts will have the chance to live incredible experiences in Recoaro and can try out some Nordic Walking too!


For more information and the complete map of the routes:

IAT Recoaro tel. 0445/75070

Experience nature on the Asiago-Plateau

Strada verso il CaldieraTREKKING AND HIKES
After winter, when dandelions bloom and dye the meadows of the Plateau yellow, it is the perfect time to go hiking: there are many different routes, some of them are even linked to the events of the First World War (1915/18). Among the many itineraries, the most interesting ones are: Mount Ortigara (the Alpinos’ sacred place), Cima Caldiera, Fort Corbin and the galleries of Mount Cengio, the cemeteries of Magnaboschi valley, Mount Fior and Castelgomberto. More routes are: Marcesina plain, Fort Lisser in Enego, Fort Campolongo in Rotzo.

In addition to the most challenging routes on the locations where the Great War took place, the Plateau also offers short panoramic walks on easy paths surrounded by nature, of different length and difficulty, suited for families and for all ages.

To learn more about all the paths, visit the website of the C.A.I. Asiago Plateau and the 7 Comuni CAI ASIAGO 7 COMUNI

Asiago NordicwalkingNORDIC WALKING
Thanks to its geographic conformation, the territory of the Asiago Plateau is perfect for Nordic walking, an active walking technique with sticks.

This healthy outdoor discipline helps toning up the musculature without causing fatigue on the joints and is suited for anyone and any age.

There are many offers from the local associations

 Nordic_walking_logo Nordwalk asd cell. 348.7817707 -

 Asiago_biketrekking Biketrekking cell. 348.2904409 - 

Guide_Altopiano_logo Guide Altopiano cell. 3407347864

Telemark_logo Telemark 7 Comuni cell. 3474300225 

Experience nature in Tonezza

REQUIRED TIME: two and a half-hour roundtrip
STARTING POINT: lodge "La pontara"
An educational-naturalistic route on a natural preexisting path with special locations for the study of the morphological characteristics of the territory and its traditions. It is also partially accessible for visitors with disabilities.

REQUIRED TIME: 2-hour roundtrip
STARTING POINT: in front of Ex Villa Roi
Educational and artistic route, dedicated to Antonio Fogazzaro, who was inspired by those very same places to write the sixth chapter of his novel “Piccolo Mondo Moderno”.

TIME REQUIRED: two and a half-hour roundtrip
STARTING POINT: from Contrà Sella (1080m)
Leg at the fountain “ai Canali” (Contrà Valle)
Path that winds half on asphalted road, half on gravel road. There is the chance to reach Mount Toraro and/or Campomolon from the cottage.

REQUIRED TIME: three and a half-hour roundtrip
DIFFICULTY: intermediate
STARTING POINT: from Contrà Sella – 150 metres from Filò café, on the left.
Old historical path that climbs up to Mount Spitz, partially passing through Vena di Sotto road and signposted CAI 537. Going back to the path, it is possible to pass through Vena di Sotto road, then, while going downhill, at the first hairpin turn follow the old stretch through the forts of Tarbisa hill (which have not been fully restored yet).

REQUIRED TIME: one and a half-hour roundtrip
STARTING POINT: from Contrà Grotti, it is possible to venture into a beech tree wood, taking the same old paths that were once used for transporting wood and mushrooms to Contrà Via la Foiba della Rosetta.

REQUIRED TIME: 1-hour roundtrip
STARTING POINT: from Contrà Via
Educational-naturalistic path, with several illustrative notice boards with a fork leading towards the centre (Via del Partigiano) and Contrà Pettinà.

REQUIRED TIME: 3-hour roundtrip
DIFFICULTY: intermediate
STARTING POINT: from Contrà Vallà – through “Valle della Sola” path CAI 539
Possibility of tasting of trout at the Trattoria "Alla Fortuna"
Military path, hikers can go back by passing through Valle di Rio Freddo and arriving in Contrà Valle, path CAI 538.

REQUIRED TIME: 4-hours roundtrip
DIFFICULTY: intermediate
STARTING POINT: from Contrà Sarcello – between the camping and Contrà Sarcello path CAI 536
Old path used during the Great War (1915/1918) along with trenches and battlefields.
There is the chance to go back using the asphalted road and arrive in Contrà Campana.

REQUIRED TIME: 3-hour roundtrip
DIFFICULTY: high, with the chance to travel through a short iron path.
STARTING POINT: Mount Cimone square, path CAI 542
There is the chance to return passing through the military gallery on Cima Neutra. In this case it is necessary to bring a flashlight.

REQUIRED TIME: 2-hour roundtrip
STARTING POINT: from Contrà Barchi, in front of the gas station
The route starts on asphalted road and then moves on to an historic path that used to lead to Valpegara (path CAI 557). There is the possibility to arrive at the cemetery of the town centre.

Routes by mountain-bike

Trails in the mountains of Vicenza, with interactive maps and GPS tracks for download.

  1. Alta Valle del Chiampo
  2. Monte Faldo
  3. Sentiero dei Grandi Alberi
  4. Monte Civillina
  5. Faedo-Mucchione
  6. Monte di Malo
  7. Monte Pasubio
  8. Monte Novegno
  9. Velo d'Astico
  10. Monte Toraro
  11. Posina
  12. Monte Cengio


Length: 28 km
Difficulty: medium, but with a technically demanding descent and a fair climb
Time required: beginner 4h, expert 1h 45m
Shelters: di Campolongo, after 9 km, Fratte di Campolongo, after 12 km
Route: there are two climbs to cope with, one at the beginning and one at the end: so a minimum level of athletic preparation is required.
From Rotzo to Albaredo we take a steep minor road on the left, initially asphalted and head up towards the Val Martello. On reaching the crossroads with an asphalted road we turn left once again, taking a dirt road, which leaves the road to Forte di Campolongo on our left, leading us to Casare di Campolongo.
We keep left at the next two junctions, passing opposite Fratte di Campolongo. At the next junction we take the left fork and then head right towards Cima Cinghella. From here there is a demanding and exciting descent along the Strada del Cinghella, which takes us above the village of S.Pietro Valdastico. Here we turn left once again (not towards Pedelasca) and the route heads up a steady but not particularly steep slope until we reach the village of Castelletto.
At the beginning of Castelletto we turn right onto a small road towards “Campagna di Rotzo", where we can see potato fields and which takes us back to Rotzo, after a brief stretch of road.


Length: 24 km
Difficulty: medium
Time required: beginner 3h, expert 1h 15m
Shelters: Rif. Boscon, after around 7 km, Bivacco Caltrano, at 11 km, Rif. Toerle, at 14 km, Rif. Pria dell'Acqua, at 16 km, Lazzaretto, at 19 km
Refuges and refreshment areas: Rif. Caltrano, at 9 km, Prunno, almost at the end
Route: Starting from the "strada del trenino" we make our way up to around 2 km after Canove. At a certain point we find a small connecting road on the left (there is also a wooden arrow with a mountain bike symbol). We make our way steadily to Rif. Boscon, as the climb is quite long. We go straight on, following the indications for Rif.Caltrano, and continue towards Lovareze up to the Caltrano junction. Here we turn left and head towards Rif.Toerle, again along a dirt road. We continue down towards Barenthal along the main road. Before the Lucca junction, which leads to the asphalted road, we turn left and go past a clearing with a small church: the place is called Lazzaretto and those suffering from the plague were brought here during the epidemic which began in 1631. On reaching a wooden cross (S.Sisto) we turn right and arrive close to C.da Ave. On finishing the descent, at the beginning of the asphalted road we take a small road on the right which takes us up to Bellocchio, passing in front of the Hotel Linta. We are almost in the centre of Asiago.


Length: 25 km
Difficulty: easy-medium
Time required: beginner 3h, expert 1h30
Refreshment areas: Alb. Puffele, Campomezzavia farm guesthouse, leaving the route on the left, Val Ceccona farm guesthouse
Route: we start from Conco and head up to Rubbio, passing through Lebele. We take the asphalted road leading to Asiago and after around 1.5 km we take a dirt track on the right; we turn left twice and pass above the Biancoia refuge. We pass two dirt tracks on the left, one leading to the Biancoia refuge and the other which leads to some quarries, but stops at a certain point, and at the next three junctions we keep to the left, heading along the Val Scausse until we arrive at the village of Sasso di Asiago. We take the asphalted road, heading left. At the first crossroads, after around km 4, we turn left towards Bassano (it is also possible to turn off earlier and follow the track used by the horses of the nearby stables). Then, after Puffele, we keep to the right, heading towards Lusiana. After one km, at the end of the first descent, we turn left and follow a panoramic road. Just before we meet the main road, we turn right, heading down a dirt track which takes us above the town of Conco.


Length: 15 km
Difficulty: medium
Time required: beginner 2h30, expert 1h
Refreshment areas: Restaurants at Godeluna and Stonar
Route: we start from Enego and head along the Val di Fabbro, then towards Valgoda and Corlo. The first stretch is flat with a magnificent panorama over the Valsugana. A long climb uphill brings us close to the Dori junction leading to Marcesina.
Here we should try to remain below the asphalted road (there is a dirt track which, keeping to the right, takes us above the village of Cornetta,). From here, after a few dozen metres of asphalted road, we turn right, through the houses, down a relatively demanding slope to Cornetta. Keeping to the left this leads us once again towards the Val di Fabbro. Close to Enego, it is worth visiting the cave of Ernesto, after Casa Stivai (where one can also have something to eat and drink) passing first by Frizzon, 3 km above the centre of the town.


Length: 39 km
Difficulty: medium
Time required: beginner 5h, expert 2h 40m
Shelters: di Meletta, after around 16 km, Casare del M.Longara, after around 23 km, Malghe Tanzer
Refuges and refreshment areas: Ronchetto, at around 9 km, Rif. Campomulo, at around 20 km, Spill farm guesthouse, at around 26 km
Route: we depart from Foza heading towards Lazzaretti (it is possible to take a dirt track immediately by following the road that goes down from the Valstagna intersection towards Cruni and then climbs up to Lazzaretti); from here we take the road on the left which climbs up to the Marcesina plain, a climb to be approached steadily because it is relatively long. On reaching the plain we take the second small road on the right which takes us to Ronchetto, remaining “below the road”. Above Ronchetto there is a dirt track which takes us gradually up to the ski lifts of Melette, keeping first left and then right. From here we continue towards Sbarbatal, crossing rocky spurs demolished in order to construct the military road we are covering and we head down towards Campomulo.
Keeping right looking downhill, we climb up a dirt road which after a few hairpin bends takes us to the undulated peak of Mount Longara; here we must pass some gates for cows which are not always open. After a stretch of road downhill we arrive at the foot of the broadcasting transmitters; on the right, immediately after the lowest transmitter, there is a small road partially covered by grass (concealed because the fencing is often closed); we take this route, encountering an enclosure for deer on the left, continuing until we reach a dirt road, which links up to the asphalted road leading to Melette, after having passed a shepherd’s hut and the Spill farm guesthouse.
From here we climb up for less than one km until we meet a small road often closed by a bar on the right; we take this road and after a few ups and downs there is a pleasant ride downhill to Campanella. From Campanella we cross the road and head downhill to Ronchi. On arriving in the valley we follow the dirt track which runs along it until we meet the asphalted road.
We turn first left and then right. Keeping right we meet a relatively flat dirt track, which will take us to the Val Piana and Stona. With a small final effort we make our way up the hill with its hairpin bends which takes us to the main road: from here we turn right and Foza is less than one km away.


Length: 23 km
Difficulty: easy-medium
Time required: beginner 3h30, expert 1h40
Shelters: Busette, after 7 km, Fiaretta, after 9 km, Boscosecco, after less than 11 km
Refuges and refreshment areas: Fiara farm guesthouse, at 14 km, Campomuletto, at 16 km, Campomulo, with the possibility of overnight accommodation, at 17 km, Spill farm guesthouse, at 22 km, leaving the route on the right in the descent from M.Longara
Route: departure from Gallio towards Gastagh. Having succeeded in making our way up the first asphalted hill, we continue along the dirt road towards the Val di Nos, first on flat terrain, then with a steady climb uphill, alternating with brief flat stretches. After around 7 km we arrive at a crossroads: here we turn right along a track partially covered with grass which will allow us to admire a magnificent panorama. After a further 2 km of gentle climb, but over uneven terrain, we come to another small road. Here we turn left towards Fiaretta. After Fiaretta we can take advantage of a flowing spring to fill up our water-bottles with fresh mountain water. We continue straight on for per around 400 m and then abandon the path we are following to take a small road through the woods on our left. After a short but relatively demanding descent we arrive at Boscosecco. Here we keep right and after a brief uphill ride we reach Prà Campofilone; here we turn right towards Fiara. Going straight on one can reach Piazzale Lozze and the Ortigara area. However, we should recall that it is forbidden to cover paths high in the mountains and those of historic interest by mountain bike and this is punishable with fines. After Fiara, we keep right at the subsequent crossroads and after around 3.5 km we arrive at the Campomulo refuge. Again keeping right looking downhill, we climb up a dirt road which after a few hairpin bends takes us up to the undulated peak of M.Longara; here we must pass some fencing for the cows which is not always open. After a stretch of road downhill we arrive at the foot of the broadcasting transmitters; shortly before we take a very steep track for the shifting of tree trunks on the right: it is best to proceed with caution. Having finished the stretch through the woods we continue downhill over a stony and very uneven track until we arrive at Costa di Gallio: we can make our way down to the town immediately or turn right and take a further stretch of road which takes us to Zebbo, from where we can make our way towards Gallio.


Length: 21 km
Difficulty: medium
Time required: beginner 2h, expert 1h10
Shelters: Camporossignolo, at around 11 km, Refreshments area, at around 9 km
Refuges and refreshment areas: Rif. M.Corno, at 14 km, leaving the route on the left
Route: we start from Lusiana, heading toards Asiago. Before reaching Piazza we turn right down a mule track which by keeping right takes us to Cavassi and the Strada dei Militari. We make our way up the provincial road which links Lusiana ad Asiago. From here we continue up to the hill crossing and take the road left. After 300 m we take the dirt track on the right and continuing along the main track we arrive at M.Camporossignolo. We turn left, going past the junction leading to Rif.M.Corno after around 2 km and on reaching a hairpin bend at Ristoro, we take a track which takes us first to Piazza Campana and then down a pleasant descent up to Covolo. From here we climb up the asphalted road to "Pilastro" and then take the "Pisaincoste" unsurfaced road up to Lusiana sports ground.


Length: 19 km
Difficulty: medium-difficult
Time required: beginner 3h, expert 1h15
Shelters: Quarti, C.ra Verena, Erio
Refuges and refreshment areas: Baita Laghetto, at the departure
Route: we start from "Laghetto di Roana", 1 km above the town, climbing up the dirt road, keeping left until almost one km after the Martin bend.
On reaching the junction on the tableland we take the right-hand route towards Quatri; we head uphill, keeping left towards Casara Verena, Croce del Civello and then down to Malga Erio, passing the road leading to Gruppach on our left.
At Erio we head downhill until we reach a hairpin bend. 50 m after the bend we leave the dirt track and take a path on the left through the woods, relatively difficult to see; here it is necessary to proceed with caution and some stretches must be done on foot.
We then encounter another dirt track which we take, heading left uphill until we meet a track for moving tree trunks on the right. We follow this until we once again reach the dirt track which will lead us downhill to our point of departure.



Lenght: 17,3 km (country road 10,2 km)
Difficulty: moderate
Time to cover the route: about 1,5 hours
Difference in height: 500 m
Max quota reached: 760 m
Link: route Rovegliana-Staro (km 25, difference in hight 210 m)
Starting point: Recoaro Terme, Cableway Square (440 m)


Lenght: 13,4 km (country road 3,9 km)
Difficulty: moderate
Time to cover the route: about 2 hours
Difference in height: 530 m
Max quota reached: 752 m
Starting point: Recoaro Terme, Cableway Square (440 m)


Lenght: 26 km (country road 13,8 km)
Difficulty: moderate-difficult
Time to cover the route: about 3 hours
Difference in height: 1050 m
Max quota reached: Malga Rove 1176 m
Starting point: Recoaro Terme, Cableway Square (440 m)


Lenght: 25 km (country road 15 km)
Difficulty: moderate-difficult
Time to cover the route: about 3 hours
Difference in height: 700 m
Max quota reached: 820 m
Starting point: Recoaro Terme, Cableway Square (440 m)


Lenght: 19,8 km (country road 11,6 km)
Difficulty: moderate-difficult
Time to cover the route: about 2,5 hours
Difference in height: 650 m
Max quota reached: cableway arrival point 1007 m
Starting point: Recoaro Terme, Cableway Square (440 m)


Lenght: 30,9 km (country road 23,8 km)
Difficulty: moderate-difficult
Time to cover the route: about 3 hours
Difference in height: 1050 m
Max quota reached: 2070 m
Starting point: Pian delle Fugazze (1163 m)
Please note that: along the Tunnel 52 Route is strongly forbidden any mean of transport



Extreme sports


Sport estremiValbrenta nestles between two majestic rings of mountains and is crossed by the impetuous waters of the River Brenta, offering spectacular landscapes of unusual beauty: each meander of the river offers a different vista, with new colours and a different atmosphere. Each bend of the road hides small villages huddled against the mountains. The view is first closed in by the imposing mountains, then unexpectedly opens out to limitless panoramas. The woods, old footpaths, streams, small lakes and mountains offer scenes of magnificent natural beauty. The area is a true gem, a green valley furrowed by the bright silver band of the River Brenta.

For river sports enthusiasts the River Brenta offers the opportunity to do:

CANOEING: it is possible to do weekly or week-end canoeing courses or simply to have a go without the commitment of a complete course.

RAFTING: you can explore the river, experiencing exciting descents over the rapids on board rubber dinghies specially designed for river rafting, accompanied by an expert guide.

HYDROSPEED: this is the latest river sport, perhaps the most exciting. You make your way downstream completely immersed in the water, equipped with river board, wetsuit, helmet and flippers.

RIVER TRACKING: this is a trip to the most secret corners of the river. Accompanied by guides you can dive into emerald-green pools, amidst the mossy banks and rocks.


For further information please contact Ivan Team - via Oliero di Sotto 85 - 36020 Valstagna (VI), tel. 0424 558250, fax 0424 558251

Asiago and The 7 Municipalities Plateau

There is more excitement on the Asiago tableland with Team Extreme Sport -

BASE JUMPING: the Team offers the chance to jump into space from two bridges situated on the tableland of the 7 communes. One is on the road from Enego to Foza Jump Center Valgadena - 160 metres of pure adrenaline while the other is on the road from Gallio to Foza at Stoccaredo Jump Center Gallio 100m - A picturesque jump in a narrow gorge, almost touching the trees.

TANDEM JUMP: an option for those who want to share the experience with a friend or who do not have the courage to jump on their own.

FLY BASE: the Fly base is again on the tableland at Enego, close to the ski lifts of Valmaron. In certain weather conditions another location at Gallio, near the Melette ski lifts will be used.

PARAGLIDING: see the mountains from another point of view

Recoaro Terme



For skiers


Sci_fondo_sotto_Cima_CaldieraThe sports traditions go back to decades, especially skiing on the plateau, with numerous clubs, and associations (some were founded back in the 20s and 30s) and many Italian and world champions have been formed here and have made its name known throughout the world.
Among these champions we should remember the famous Guidina Dal Sasso, a leading cross country ski champion, and Fabrizio Tescari, among the best slalom racers who was Italian champion several times.
To satisfy the growing needs of the various sports groups and improve the tourist offer, the Plateau has been fitted with several modern plants and structures, which can house very high level sports events: for example the World Junior Nordic Ski Championships in 1987 and 1996, the Grass Ski Championships in 1993, which brought the name of the Asiago Plateau to the international sports world. In addition, in the last years Asiago has hosted the Cross country ski World Cup competitions and the Tour de Ski event at the Golf Arena

The Sette Comuni Plateau is formed in such a way that it is an enormous natural stadium for cross country skiing, and not by chance it is known as the “Capital of Nordic Skiing”, and one of the world temples for this sport.
There are seven organised centres with FISI approved slopes, which cover a total of 500 km.
The cross-country ski itineraries pass through large meadows and endless woods, where the lovers of this sport can travel through enchanted landscapes and admire the amazing panoramas immersed in the wonderful silence of pure oasis of peace. This incredible network of tracks is backed up by a series of bases and chalets, ski schools, equipment hire and many other services, and creates the most impressive, rich and varied offer for Nordic skiing in the world.


The Golf Arena Cross Country Ski Centre (CENTRO FONDO ASIAGO) is situated in Meltar , with 45 km of tracks.
The tracks that are shown below are joined to each other and extend to the Golf Course and Barenthal.
There is also a ski school, equipment hire, bar and solarium.The tracks are:
Fratta: 15 km. Intermediate
Campi Golf: 5 km. Easy
Prunno: 10 km. Easy
Barenthal: 15 km. Intermediate
Agonistica: 2.5 - 5 - 7.5 km. for competitions

The Cesuna Cross Country Ski centre is in Val Magnaboschi and it is the closest to the plateau at the perfect altitude for all ages, between 1000 and 1400 meters, with 40 km of served slopes perfect for beginners and experts alike. Daily excursions in a constantly changing natural landscape (pine and beech woods, mountain meadows) which also cross over the roads of the Great War. Connected to the Golf Arena Cross Country Ski Centre there is also a ski school, equipment hire.
The tracks are:
Boscon: 7.5 km. Easy
Al Sole: 6 km. Easy
Rifugio Alpino: 15 km. Difficult
Waister: 5 km. Difficult
Agonistica : 2.5 - 5 - 7.5 km. for competitions

The Enego Cross Country Ski Centre is in Valmaron (CENTRO FONDO ENEGO) , and offers around 100 km of slopes. There is a ski school with FISI and CONI authorised instructors, to offer all levels of courses. Full hire of constantly renewed equipment. Connections with the Gallio Cross Country Ski Centre make the slopes here even more interesting.
Falco: 27 km. Easy/intermediate
Tasso: 14 km. Easy
Lepre: 21 km. Intermediate
Aquila: 20 km. Difficult
Capriolo: 19 km. Difficult
Agonistica: 2.5 - 5 - 7.5 km. for competitions

The Gallio Cross Country Ski Centre is in Campomulo (CENTRO FONDO GALLIO) and is one of the largest Nordic Ski centre in the world with more than 150 km of slopes. There are two chalets: the Base Chalet at Campomulo at 1530 meters, with double rooms with TV and phone; the Adriana Chalet at 1740 m, with bunks.
They both have a bar, restaurant, changing rooms, showers, WC and solarium.
The Centre also has a Ski School, which organises school camps, with equipment hire, sauna relax, ski doos and a large car park.
The tracks are:
Valsugana: 30 km. Difficult
Ortigara: 30 km. Very difficult
Fossetta: 26 km. Difficult
Pozze variante: 5 km. Very difficult
Moline: 20 km. Intermediate
Campomulo: 5 km. Easy
Marcesina: 26 km. Very difficult
Agonistica: 5 e 7.5 km. for competitions

The Fontanella Cross Country Ski Centre is in Fontanella, on the trunk road between Asiago and Bassano, and has some very easy tourist slopes, nature routes, snowshoe routes, ski school, ski and boots hire, ski waxing, changing rooms. There is also a bar and restaurant with a large car park.
The tracks are:
Malga Mosca Ovest: 2,5 km. Easy
Camposcuola Malga Mosca Est: 1 km. Easy
Camporossignolo: 6 km. Easy
Variante Bocchetta: 2 km. Easy
Variante Faganello: 2.5 km. Intermediate
Variante Pozza: 2 km. Easy
Percorso naturalistco Granezza: 13 km. Difficult

The Monte Corno Cross Country Ski Centre has about 50 km. of tracks, ski school, ski and boots hire, ski waxing, changing rooms. There is also a bar and restaurant with a large car park. The tracks are.
Granezza: 8 km. Easy
Pria dell'Acqua: 8 km. Easy
Cima Fonti: 18 km. Intermediate
Agonistica: 2.5 - 5 - 7.5 km. for competitions

The Campolongo Cross Country Ski Centre is in Campolongo (tel. 0424/66487,691055) and has more than 100 km of tracks, connected to the Millegrobbe and Vezzena slopes on the Vezzena Plain, where accommodation can be found in the hotel of the same name. There is a ski school with qualified instructors and equipment hire. A warm welcoming chalet with bar and restaurant where skiers can relax and sunbathe on the Plateau.
The tracks are:
Millegrobbe: 40 km. Difficult
Posellaro: 20 km. Intermediate
Vezzena: 32 km. Intermediate
Trugole: 8 km. Easy
Mandrielle: 14 km. Very easy
Agonistica: 2.5 - 5 -7.5 for competitions


There are 13 ski areas with 48 lifts 34 ski lifts, 6 chair lifts and 8 tapis roulants) for alpine skiing on the Plateau, which are constantly being modernised, and 100 km of slopes of all levels both high and low altitudes), some of which are exclusively reserved for snowboarding, telemark and the most modern sports.
These Plateau slopes have been studied to satisfy all different abilities and needs, from the easiest and calmest to the most extreme and difficult.
There are numerous artificial snow plants, which guarantee excellent coverage throughout the winter.
The 11 ski schools with highly qualified instructors not only offer normal instruction, but also the chance of organising races, parties and general entertainment.


Kaberlaba: 4 skilifts, 2 tapis roulants
Campo Scuola Linta: 1 skilift
Cima Larici: 1 skilift
Turcio: 1 skilift

Monte Zovetto: 2 skilifts

Biancoia: 4 skilifts and 1 tapis roulant

Val Maron: 6 skilifts

Gallio 2000 Melette: 3 chairlifts, 5 skilifts and 1 tapis roulant
Sisemol: 1 tapis roulant
Valbella: 6 skilifts, 1 tapis roulant

Monte Corno:
1 skilift

Verena 2000: 3 chairlifts, 3 skilifts and 1 tapis roulant

Tresché Conca
Belmonte: 1 tapis roulant


Joined to the town of Recoaro Terme by a modern cable car, and easily reached from all directions by car, the Recoaro Mille winter resort is a large extension climbing from 1000 meters and above, initially with gentle snowy slopes for beginners and then the really steep ones for the experts.
Everyone can find what they want here, with excellent slopes and lifts for all.
RECOARO MILLE SKI RESORT (m. 1000/1700 asl) The ski centre is in the Pre-alpine basin of the Veneto Small Dolomites, just a short distance from the Padana Plain on a very fascinating plain above the Spa town of Recoaro Terme.

- BUS: from Vicenza (42 km), FTV bus line with buses every hour.
- CAR: A4 motorway exit at the Montecchio Maggiore junction (between Vicenza and Verona) and the SS246 trunk road for Recoaro Terme (km. 30)

From the Spa town Recoaro Terme (m. 500) by road (km. 12) or by the cableway - open seasonally.

n. 1 cableway
n. 2 chair lifts
n. 1 ski lift

Downhill: 7 slopes between 1000 and 17000 approved for Slalom and Downhill skiing for a total of 7 km.
Nordic ski: 28 km of slopes, of which km 7,5 omologated for FISI racing, on 3 anelli (1 blu - 2 red) + 1 variation (black).

Recently, programmed snow plants have been installed for the Tunche and Montefalcone chair lifts (intermediate slopes) for a total of 2.5 km of slopes.

Residential centre in Recoaro Mille with various rest stops; Ski School for downhill, cross country and snowboard; Plant ticket office; Races office; Slope Assistance; First aid centre; Valdagno Hospital 10 km away; Rental shop of ski equipment.

Hourly capacity: 900
Length: 1724
Departure: 1020
Arrival: 1620
Downhill slopes: Downhill Falcone red, Falcone black, Intermediate A, Intermediate B

Hourly capacity: 600
Length: 300
Departure: 1005
Arrival: 1045
Downhill slope: Baby blue

Hourly capacity: 1200
Length: 473
Departure: 1006
Arrival: 1072
Downhill slope: Tunche blue, side A and B

Overall hourly capacity: 3200
Total downhill slopes: 7 km

These slopes extend over the Montagnole plateau. Total cross country slopes: 28 km
There are three itineraries which cross over each other at certain points.

A circuit for beginners, families and anyone who wants to learn or improve their style. A circuit of 8 km, which is extremely easy and safe: the slopes are reassuringly wide and are a real pleasure to ski on.
Departure can be from either Recoaro Mille or from Casare Ansicar.

Slopes of medium difficulty, with beautiful climbs and breathtaking descents in total safety.
The circuit is on a plateau directly above the Seebese circuit, with a lovely panorama ranging from the Small Dolomites to Pasubio.
The circuit is 9 km long, and passes by some of the loveliest refuges of Recoaro Terme.

An 8 km circuit, which is the farthest from the entrance to Recoaro Mille.
It is more difficult, both for the distance and the formation of the slopes.
It is highly appreciated by people training for races, and the circuit leads directly to the foot of the Small Dolomites.


via Roma, 15 - tel. 0445 75070, fax 0445 75158 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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