Palladio Olimpico Project: a new way of visiting Teatro Olimpico

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The initiative began with the City of Vicenza’s dream to make the visit to the Olympic Theatre memorable and innovative through a narrative method, conceived by Alessandro Baricco and Scuola Holden, which aims to enhance all the historical spaces of the theatre. The entire theatre will be involved in the narration, becoming prologue and epilogue of the show and visitors will take a journey discovering the stories, voices, videos and images.

The stage and sets, usually off limits, will also be virtually accessible.

Tour itinerary: starting from the room “Odeo” you will go through a small theatre curtain and enter the room “Antiodeo”, which will host a virtual meeting with the writer Alessandro Baricco, who will recount – through a screen – the history and wonders of the earliest roofed theatre in Western culture. In the theatre hall, the heart of the narration, which will be accessible from the top as it was in the past, you will first see a show of sounds and lights; then through a tablet, you will virtually visit the hidden places of the theatre, and finally, you will be able to admire the extraordinary monument in all its natural beauty.

Visiting hours (the tour takes 45 minutes):

From October 2018, 30th to March 2019,  31st :  at 10.00 and at 15.00

Those who wish to visit the theatre in a traditional way can do so during other opening hours.

The visit may be made at no extra charge to the cost of admission to the theatre by going to the IAT Office in Piazza Matteotti. The ticket is single, cannot be booked and will be issued until the seats in the Olympic Theater have been filled.
Only for groups ( +10 pax), reservations are required through the call center tel. +39 0444964380 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Basilica palladiana open from April to November

The Basilica Palladiana, the ancient Palazzo della Ragione, opens againg to the visitors from April 24th to Novembre 4th 2018.

Opening time:

From May 1st to September 2nd: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10-13 and 17-24; Friday 10-13 and 17-24; Saturday ans Sunday 10-24. Last admission 30 minutes before the closing time.


full price 4 €
reduced fare (for bad weather thus impossible to access the rooftop) 2 €
school groups 2 €
free for under 14, journalists, tour guides, disabled people and their accompanying person
More details at this page 

The bar on the rooftop is also open  (for info on opening times of the bar


--> From May 12th to September 2nd the salone of the Basilica will host the exhibition David Chipperfiled Architects Works.

David Chipperfield Architects Works 2018 in the Basilica Palladiana

Commissioned by the City of Vicenza, in collaboration with the cultural association Abacoarchitettura, the event marks the return of contemporary architecture exhibitions to the salone superiore of the Basilica Palladiana.

The presentation will examine ‘the important role that architectural culture plays in the history and identity of the city’ and display 16 current and recent projects by the practice at varying stages in their development.
"This exhibition represents our attempt to show how we work, how we develop ideas, how we work in parallel in different projects, cultures, and with different resources, priorities and collaborators, balancing local and global perspectives" says David Chipperfield.

 “This is a long-awaited and particularly significant return: Vicenza is without doubt a world capital of architecture” comments Vicenza’s deputy mayor and councillor for development Jacopo Bulgarini d’Elci. On a practical level, the deputy mayor added that the exhibition will go back to the model tried and tested in previous such events: the architect who is the subject of the exhibition will himself “design his own presence in a place that is “sacred” to architects from all over the world, the Basilica Palladiana”.



From May 12 through September 2, 2018

Basilica Palladiana - Piazza dei Signori, Vicenza

Tuesday to Friday 10 - 13 and 17 - 20
Saturday and Sunday 10 - 20
Monday closed

Entrance fee 12 euro
Reduced fee 8 euro

Tickets on sale online

David Chipperfield Architects Media Relation

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