OLYMPIC THEATRE and CIVIC MUSEUMS in VICENZA: opening hours restored starting from 1st July 2020

From 1st of July the Civic Museums will observe the usual opening times, from Tuesday to Sunday, remaining closed every Monday.

The Civic Art gallery of Palazzo Chiericati, the Church of Santa Corona and the Olympic Theatre will be open from 10.00 to 18.00.

The Natural History and Archaeological Museum and The Risorgimento and Resistance Museum will be open from 10.00 to 14.00.

Except for the Risorgimento and Resistance Museum whose admission is free of charge, all admission fees and forms of ticketing will be restored for the museums.

TICKET OFFICE in Piazza Matteotti: open every day, 9 – 18
TICKET OFFICE inside the Palladian Basilica: open from Friday to Sunday, 10 - 16
Last admission to the museums will be possible 30 min before closure.

By purchasing the ticket, the Olympic Theatre provides a free show of lights and music called POP - Palladio Olympic Project “Son et Lumière” at 10.30, 11.30, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30, 17.30 (Tue – Sun). The show was conceived by Alessandro Baricco and Scuola Holden and will last approximately 10 minutes.

The Palladian Basilica will be open from Friday to Sunday until the 31 July, 10 – 16. The Café on the terrace will be open 19 – 01 on Fridays and Saturdays and 18.30 – 23 on Sundays.
The Tourist and Ticket office inside the Palladian Basilica will be open from Friday to Sunday, 10 – 16.

GROUPS: From 1st July guided visits are allowed, with a maximum of 20 participants for each visit. Reservations are mandatory for groups of more than 10 participants, as per usual, by writing an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (reservation fee: 10 € per group).

In all museum locations the entrance will be guaranteed in compliance with the safety standards. Visitors must wear masks and use hand sanitizer (which is also available inside the place). Social distancing of at least 1 metre must be respected. The body temperature will be measured at the entrance of every site: if 37,5° is exceeded, access will be denied.

Exceptional closure until 21st May 2020

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In compliance with the Governmental ordinance,

the Civic Museums of Vicenza and the Olympic Theatre 

will remain closed to the public until the 21st May 2020.


For further clarifications, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For information about the art exhibition

"The New Twenties Woman in the art of Ubaldo Oppi"

you can contact the Call center, active from Monday to Friday, 10 - 14

at this number +39 0444 326418  or you can send an email at this address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

THE NEW TWENTIES WOMAN in the art of Ubaldo Oppi

mostraIn accordance with the Ministerial decree (DPCM) of 10th April 2020 regarding the extension of emergency containment and measures against the COVID-19, the art exhibition “The new Twenties Woman in the art of Ubaldo Oppi” will remain closed.

It is possible to ask for a refund of the purchased tickets by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the 30th April, with the confirmation form of purchase (photo or pdf) attached to it or by providing the order code and the email used for the transaction.

The Call center of the ticket office is active from Monday to Friday, 10 – 14 at this number +39 0444 326418 or you can send an email at this address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Basilica Palladiana will host a new exhibition from 6th December 2019 to 3rd May 2020.

Ritratto di donna. Il sogno degli anni Venti e lo sguardo di Ubaldo Oppi
Curated by Stefania Portinari

The 1920s are characterised by change and modernity: during those years, the most charming international art movement is that of Magical Realism, in which the vision of reality is wrapped in an atmosphere of wonder and expectation. In Italy, this vision is often portrayed by evoking memories of the Classicism and the Renaissance. Following this movement, intense portraits of strong women were created, standing out on the canvas with powerful personalities, loved, sometimes even feared, but always celebrated in their mesmerising beauty.

Ubaldo Oppi (Bologna 1889 – Vicenza 1942) is the absolute protagonist of those years, one of the most famous artists in Europe and the United States, with his works being sold in splendid collections.


Open date tickets can already be purchased at the Tourist Information Office in Piazza Matteotti, 12 (Monday-Sunday, 9-17.30)

Official website: https://www.mostreinbasilica.it/en/ritratto-di-donna

 EXHIBITION + HOTEL PACKAGES already available here

Ticket Offices 
T. +39 0444 326418
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
April 2020: 10-14 Mon-Fri

IAT Office (for single tickets only)
Piazza Matteotti, 12 (next to the garden of the Olympic Theatre)
T. +39 0444 320854
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
every day, 9 - 17.30

Basilica Palladiana Box Office (for single tickets only)
Piazza dei Signori
(starting from the 6th December)
T. +39 0444 326418
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
every day, 10 - 18

Online ticket office (for single tickets only)
Allows you to purchase tickets by choosing the preferred date and time of the visit or to buy an open ticket.


OFFICIAL SITE: https://www.mostreinbasilica.it/en/

Reopening of Monuments and Museums 3rd March 2020

From 3rd March 2020 monuments, museums and villas will reopen with a fixed number of entrances for each visit.

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  • OLYMPIC THEATRE AND CHURCH OF S. CORONA:  max 25 visitors per turn
  • BASILICA PALLADIANA e art exhibition RITRATTO DI DONNA: max 3 groups of 25 visitors each admitted per turn.
  • PALAZZO CHIERICATI: max 20 visitors per group
  • Natural History and Archaeological Museum and Risorgimento and Resistance Museum: 15 visitors per group
  • GALLERIE D’ITALIA di PALAZZO LEONI MONTANARI.In order to avoid crowds, events, concerts, activities for adults and workshops for children, as well as group visits will be suspended, with a maximum of 30 visitors admitted per turn (that is, every 15/30 minutes). It is requested to keep a one-metre distance from each other while visiting the museum.
  • JEWELLERY MUSEUM is also open, respecting the same criteria as the other museums, with a fixed number of entries per vist and keeping a one-metre distance from each visitor. 
  • PALLADIO MUSEUM max 25 visitors per turn, guided tours are forbidden to avoid close contact within the museum.
  • DIOCESAN MUSEUM max 25 visitors per turn, guided tours are forbidden to avoid close contact within the museum.
  • VILLA LA ROTONDA until 13 March, the winter hours for outdoor visits are from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18. The official season starts again on Saturday, March 14 with indoor visits too, until further notice
  • VILLA VALMARANA AI NANI  reopens not allowing guided tours inside, but allowing fixed individual entrances
  • VILLA GODI MALINVERNI is open in compliance with ministerial instructions
  • VILLA CALDOGNO closed until 8th March included.


Churches are open for praying and individual visits, but guided tours are forbidden.

To sum up, there is a fixed number of entries, with the obligation to maintain a distance of 1 metre between persons for all locations. Guided tours are not allowed inside to avoid close contact, a criterion called DROPLET.

Vicenza: Christmas Street Market 2019


The local Christmas street market will be back in town from 7th December 2019 to 6th January 2020 in Corso Fogazzaro, Piazza San Lorenzo, Contra’ Battisti and Corso Palladio.

The street market will offer a selection of the best handicraft products, antiques and vintage, as well as traditional food and wine specialties. There will also be shows, workshops and magic shows.

It will be open from 7th December 2019 to 6th January 2020, from Monday to Thursday from 10am to 7pm, on Fridays, Saturdays and holiday eves from 10am to midnight, on Sundays and during holidays from 10am to 10pm.

The Christmas village will be set up in Piazza San Lorenzo, open from Friday to Sunday, during holidays and holiday eves. It will be dedicated to creative craftsmanship, with meetings, workshops and shows.

Lights hung in Piazza dei Signori and in the other squares of the city centre will charm the visitors and create the perfect Christmas atmosphere.

A very special Christmas tree will be put in the main square, Piazza dei Signori: a real spruce that will be transplanted in the Asiago Plateau at the end of the festivities.

There will also be an ice rink in Piazza Biade, next to Piazza dei Signori and the Basilica Palladiana.

Like every 31st December, a party will take place in Piazza dei Signori, with entertainment and a concert to welcome the New Year.


Natale Vicenza 19 1

Christmas 2019: opening hours of monuments in Vicenza, Bassano and its surroundings



Here it is possible to download the chart with all the updated opening hours of the monuments in Vicenza and its province during the Christmas holidays, from the 31st December 2019 to 6th January 2020. 






You can also download the charts with the opening hours of the monuments in Bassano del Grappa and the Masses that will take place there during the Christmas holidays.



pdf_download Natale_Bassano_31-1-6_Gen_20.pdf


pdf_download Messe_Bassano_Natale_Capodanno_Epifania_19-20.pdf



Temporary change to the visits to the Basilica Palladiana

The Basilica Palladiana will be closed from 19th November to 5th December 2019.

Until 17th November, in order to allow the completion of the setting up for the upcoming art exhibition, it will be possible to partially visit the hall and the loggias on the first floor with a reduced ticket (visitors residing in Vicenza, upon showing the ID card --> 1€; other visitors --> 2€)

The Basilica will reopen on 6th December for the launch of the art exhibition “The new Twenties woman in the art of Ubaldo Oppi” and can be visited every day, from Monday to Sunday, from 10am to 6pm (25th December 2019 and 1st January 2020, from 2pm to 6pm). Last entrance 30 minutes before closure.

The terrace will stay closed for the whole winter season and will open once again in spring, with favourable weather conditions.

You can find more updated information about the visits to the Basilica Palladiana here --> www.basilicapalladiana.vi.it

VIOFF Golden arts - Vicenzaoro Fuori Fiera

The third edition of VIOFF Fuori Fiera organised for Vicenzaoro, the Jewellery Boutique show, will be back in town from 6th to 8th September for three days dedicated to all aspects of the art world, in reference to the title “Golden Arts”.


The main protagonist of Vicenzaoro Golden Arts will be the famous surrealist artist Salvador Dalì, the living example of the boundless potential of creativity thanks to the great variety of his works: difficult to place in just one single artistic category, they make him the perfect representative for Golden Arts.

In collaboration with Dalì Universe, an exhibition will then be set up between the centre and the Vicenza exhibition centre. Two 5-metre-high sculptures will be put on display in Piazza Matteotti and Piazza dei Signori during VIOFF, other two will be housed inside the exhibition centre, whereas 2-metre-high installations will liven up the streets and squares of the city centre.

Dalì’s works will also be showcased at the Museo del Gioiello Jewellery Museum of Vicenza, hosted inside the Basilica Palladiana. It will be possible to admire a selection of small sculptures made of gold and gemstones by Dalì until the 26th of January.

On Saturday, 7th September Piazza dei Signori will host the long awaited performance of the dancers from the prestigious Teatro La Scala in Milan, who will perform a choreography dedicated to the themes of the Golden Arts, followed by the Gala event of classic and neoclassic ballet, with extracts from the repertoire of Rudolf Nureyev.

The artisans’ shops in the historic centre will be promoted through special itineraries: “Antiche botteghe e Portoni segreti” is the title of the tour organised by Confartigianato Imprese using the ViArt brand.

Thanks to the Vicenza Underground initiative promoted by the Municipality of Vicenza, the Diocesan Museum and Palazzo Chiericati, it will be possible to book a guided tour to see the city from a different perspective:

The first tour allows tourists to visit the archaeological areas managed by the Municipality of Vicenza:
The underground rooms in Palazzo Chiericati, the Naturalistic-Archaeological Museum, the area near Palazzo Trissino and “Corte dei Bissari” (the Basilica Palladiana).
This tour starts at 11, 14 and 15.30.
It lasts 90 minutes and costs 2 €.
For more information and booking: Infopoint 0444320854 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The second tour allows tourists to visit the archaeological areas managed by the Diocesan Museum:
The Roman cryptoporticus in Piazza Duomo and the archaeological area of the Cathedral.
This tour starts at 9, 10, 15 and 16.
It lasts 90 minutes and costs 2 €.
For more information and booking: Museo Diocesano Vicenza 0444226400 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The exhibition “Design del Gioiello” will be hosted in Contrà del Monte, presenting sketches, graphic studies, design and project research of jewellers, goldsmiths, art schools. Even the Loggia del Capitaniato will showcase installations by other artists from the Vicenza Manufacturing Company.

Visitors will be entertained by the many artistic performances in Piazza Garibaldi and Piazza San Lorenzo, thanks to the contribution of the Cultural Association Teatro della Cenere.

On 5th and 8th September the opera production “La Diavolessa” by Baldassare Galuppi, based on the work of Carlo Goldoni will be performed at the Teatro Olimpico.

The living room of the famous architect Carlo Scarpa becomes an exhibition area for the showcase of the artisan works of the city, in cooperation with the Municipality and Assoarchitetti association.
Dedalo Minosse” involves the display of unique pieces, from jewels to silver, with a food and wine tasting scheduled during the first evening of the event.

The “Vicenza in Festival” event will have the pop singer Max Gazzè as special guest, who will perform in a paid concert in Piazza dei Signori on 6th September.

On Sunday, 8th September it will be possible to attend the unreleased projection of the film “Palladio”, a 2019 biography directed by Giacomo Gatti and produced by Francesco Invernizzi, which will also be promoted at the 76th Venice International Film Festival.

During VIOFF Golden Arts many Food Trucks will be located in Piazza Duomo, offering gourmet tastings and entertainment.


Web: https://www.vicenzaoro.com/it/vioff

Facebook: http://bit.ly/VioffGoldenArts_fb

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vicenzaorofuorifiera/




From November 23rd to 5th May 2019, the city of Vicenza has the greatest pleasure of hosting “The triumph of colour, from Tiepolo to Canaletto and Guardi” Exhibition.

The masterpieces of Europe's cultural heritage from the eighteenth century are selected by Pushkin Museum of Moscow.
The exhibition will be at Palazzo Chiericati, seat of the Civic Museum, and at Gallerie d’Italia - Palazzo Leoni Montanari, museum seat of Intesa Sanpaolo in Vicenza; the exhibition is edited by MondoMostre and promoted by the partnership between the city of Vicenza, Museum of Fine Arts “A.S. Pushkin” and Intesa Sanpaolo.

The curators are Victoria Markova, head of Department of Italian culture from Pushkin Museum, Stefano Zuffi, art historian and Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa, scientific adviser.

The thirty paintings come from Pushkin Museum and they will be co-protagonists with the Italian artworks from Palazzo Chiericati and Palazzo Leoni Montanari; the masterpieces have the same context and they set in the same period, the eighteenth century.
The itinerary presents the development and the growth of Venetian Art during the 1700s and its deflagrating influence on European art with the breathtaking masterpieces of Giambattista Tiepolo, Giambattista Pittoni, Luca Carlevarijs, Giambattista Piazzetta, Antonio Giovanni Canal or Canaletto, Francesco Guardi e Pietro Longhi.


Vicenza is a territory surrounded by art: ancient churches, historical buildings and typical old villas make the city attractive and charming to those who visit it. City walking tour through “the city of Palladio” is possible thanks to organized groups and authorized guides; the main masterpieces to discover are undoubtedly Palladio Museum, Villa Valmarana ai Nani, Villa Cordellina and Villa Zileri, all internationally recognized as “UNESCO world heritage”.



from Tuesday to Sunday
from 9 am to 19 pm ( last entrance at 18pm).


from Tuesday to Sunday
from 10 am to 18 pm (last entrance at 17.30pm).

On Monday both palaces are closed. 



Full ticket for both locations: € 14,00
Reduced ticket (Possessors of entrance ticket at Palazzo Chiericati’s Museum, under 18, university students up to 25 years with university badge, people with disabilities, possessors of Trenitalia Regionale Ticket, groups and conventions): € 12,00
Groups ticket: € 12,00
2x1 Trenitalia ticket (Possessors of Frecce Trenitalia for two people): € 7,00
School ticket: € 5,00
Open ticket: € 16,00
Free for: Children from 0 years old to 5, touristic guides, journalists, touristic guides, carers of people with disabilities.

Guided Tours:
Guided Tours Groups:  €80,00 (the use of the microphone and headphones is €30,00).
Groups can have an individual guide but the cost of the microphone and headphones is required.

Guided Tours for individuals in the weekend with appointment: €8,00 adults and €6,00 children.

Audio guides: €5,00

The visit will last 45 minutes.
The exhibition will be closed on 24th and 25th December2018;
The exhibition will be opened on 31st of December until 14.30pm
On 1st and 6th January 2019, the exhibition will be open from 9am to 19pm.

Therefore, the visitors in possession of the ticket for the exhibition “The triumph of color. From Tiepolo to Canaletto and Guardi” can buy a unique ticket with a reduction on the price for all the city museums: Olympic Theatre, Museum of Palazzo Chiericati, Naturalistic Archeological Museum, Santa Corona’s Church, Resistance and Resurgence Museum, Museum of Jewelry, Palladio Museum, Diocesan Museum and the Italy’s Galleries- Palazzo Leone Montanari.

-The special Family Ticket: from €18 to €16
-The special Unique Ticket: from €15 to €13
-The special Groups Ticket: from €12 to €11
The special Reduced Ticket: from €11 to €11

The ticket has to be presented at Tourist Office IAT in Piazza Matteotti or at the Naturalistic Archeological Museum. Booking requested for groups and schools. ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Enjoy the visit!




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