Are you here for the weekend of the 15th August 2022?
Here you can take a look at the special opening times from the 13th to the 19th August
From Tuesday to Sunday, the Olympic Theatre, the Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati, the Church of Santa Corona can be visited from 10 to 18, the Natural history and archaeological Museum from 10 to 14.
Inside the Olympic Theatre it is possible to watch a free show of music and lights called “Pop Palladio Olympic Project” available from Tuesday to Sunday at 10.30, 11.30 and 12.30 and 15.30,16.30, 17.30. The show lasts approximately 10 minutes.
The Risorgimento and Resistance Museum is open 10-14 from Tuesday to Sunday. The admission to the Risorgimento and Resistance museum is free of charge.
The Galleries of Palazzo Thiene can be visited from Thursday to Sunday, 10 - 18 (last entrance at 17.30).
Last admission to all museums 30 minutes before closure.
At the Risorgimento and Resistance Museum it is possible to see some important documents written by the Vicentinian architect Antonio Caregaro Negrin (1821-1898) on military and patriotic engineering activities during the First Italian War of Independence. 2021 marks the bicentenary of Negrin’s birth, who has been a significant and exemplary figure in the cultural life of the 19th century.,46131
The Basilica Palladiana is open 10-18 Tue-Sun.
The Cafè on the terrace of the Basilica is open every Friday and Saturday from 19 to 01.00, and every Sunday from 18.30 to 23.
The Terrace of the Basilica Palladiana (without the cafè) can be visited by tourists on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 to 18 (last entrance at 17.30)
The Tourist Information Office in Piazza Matteotti 12 is open every day from 9 to 18 (tel. 0444 320854 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
The infopoint located inside the Basilica Palladiana is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 to 18.
As for the other museums:
Gallerie d'Italia Palazzo Leoni Montanari can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, 10 - 18 (last admission at 17.30).
The Jewellery Museum is open from Tuesday to Friday 10.00-13.00 / 15.00 – 18.00 and on Saturdays and Sundays 10.00-18.00.
The Diocesan Museum is open every day (Mon-Sun) from 14-18. It will close from the 15th to 21st August 2022.
Currently, the Roman Cryptoporticus can be visited on Thursdays, 10 - 12 and on Saturdays, 14-18 (no reservation needed). Closed on Sundays. The booking for the visit of the Archaeological area of the Cathedral is mandatory and has to be made at least a day in advance before the actual visit (0444 226400, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). It will close from the 15th to 21st August 2022.
The Palladio Museum opens from Wed to Sunday (10-18). It will be closed on 31st August 2022.
Torrione di Porta Castello - Fondazione Coppola This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will be closed until 26th August. It will then reopen following this opening times: Friday: 11 - 18 // Saturday: 10 - 17 // Sunday: 14 - 18
Villa La Rotonda is open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18.
Villa Valmarana ai Nani is open every day, Mon to Sun, 10-18: exceptional closures
Villa Zileri Motterle is open with the following opening times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 10 - 17 Friday: 10 - 12.30. From the 16th to the 19th of August Villa Zileri will be open 8:30- 12:00.
Villa Cordellina in Montecchio Maggiore is open from Monday to Friday (booking is mandatory for groups): check the extraordinary closures
Villa Caldogno and the Bunker from the Second World War are open on Saturdays from 9 - 12 and 15 - 18, on Sundays 9-12. (Booking is mandatory for groups during the week).
Villa Godi Malinverni is open on the following days: Tuesday: 14 -18, Saturday 10 -18, Sunday and public holidays-10-18. Booking is mandatory for group visits.
Villa Pisani Bonetti in Lonigo is always open, even on Mondays, and can be visited with reservation only.
The Fondazione Bisazza is closed from 6th to 31st August 2022.