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Did you know?

Outstanding records

The first long distance flight from Rome to Tokyo

was carried out by Pilot Lt ARTURO FERRARIN from Thiene, Vicenza, covering about 16.700 km in the span of three months, with three stops. He began his journey on 16th February 1920 and finished on 31st May. He flew for 98 hours, with a maximum speed record of 220 km/hour.
In 1928, he took on another flight challenge: a long haul flight from Italy to Brasil without any layovers. He departed from Rome on 3rd July and landed in Natal two days later.


medaglie vicenza2 Gold Medals to Vicenza
Vicenza is the only Comune in Italy to possess two Gold Medals of Military Valour:

- the first one, for the resistance against the Austrians back in 1848, was awarded by King Vittorio Emanuele II on 18th November 1866.
- the second one, for the suffering of the population during the War for Italian Liberation (1943-1945), was awarded on 11th March 1995 by the President of the Italian Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro.

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