teatro olimpico




In compliance with the latest national regulations, it is not mandatory to book the visits to the museums on the weekends anymore. The ticket can be bought directly at the ticket office next to the entrance of the Theatre, which is also our Tourist Office (Piazza Matteotti, 12). Reservation remains mandatory for groups of more than 10 people - Booking Office (Call Center 0444964380, active Mon - Fri, 9-13 and 14-18, and on Saturdays 9-13, or via email Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!)


Starting from 26th April 2021, the Tourist Information Office located in Piazza Matteotti is open every day from 9 to 17.30 and is at your disposal for the purchase of museum tickets.

The Olympic Theatre, the Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati, The Natural History and Archaeological Museum, the Church of Santa Corona (ticket is required for the admission) can be visited from 9 to 17 (last admission at 16.30).

The Basilica Palladiana is open from 10 to 17 (last admission at 16.30). There is also another infopoint for the Tourist Information office inside.

The Terrace of the Basilica can be visited every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 17.

The Cafè on the Terrace is open  from 19 - 01 on  Wed, Fridays and Saturdays and from 18.30 - 23  on Sundays.(Last admission 30 min before closure)

The Risorgimento and Resistance Museum is open from 9 to 13 and from 14.15 to 17 (last admission at 16.30). The entrance is free. 

Inside the Olympic Theatre it is also possible to watch a free light show called "Pop Project "Son et Lumière" at appointed times, with the duration of around 10 minutes.

All visits must respect the current anti Covid-19 protocols. 

Gallerie d'Italia Palazzo Leoni Montanari can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, 10 - 18 (last admission at 17.30).

The Diocesan Museum is open every day (Mon-Sun) from 14-18-

Currently, the Roman Cryptoporticusthe Roman Cryptoporticus can be visited on Thursdays, 10 - 12 (no reservation needed), and on Saturdays, 14-18. closed on Sundays. The booking for the visit of the Archaeological area of the Cathedral is mandatory and has to bemade at least a day in advance before the actual visit (0444 226400, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!)

The Palladio Museum opens fromTuesday to Friday, 10-18 for groups (min. 10 pax) and for schools. In both cases, reservation is mandatory. Starting from 5th June 2021, it will be open on Saturdays and Sundays too (10-18) for individual visitors. The booking has to be carried out at least a day before the actual visit.

Torrione diPorta Castello - Fondazione Coppola is open on Fridays 11-18 (last admission 17.20). The booking is mandatory during the weekend, by writing to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! 

Villa Valmarana ai Nani is open every day, Mon to Sun, 10-18.

Starting from 1st May 2021, Villa La Rotonda will be open for both exterior and interior visits on Saturdays and Sundays, 10 - 12 and 15 - 18. From June, it will be open on Fridays as well.

Villa Cordellina in Montecchio Maggiore (VI) is open from Tuesday to Sunday with the following opening times:
Tuesday: 9.00-13.00 (max capacity inside the Tiepolo Hall: 7 pax)
Wednesday: 9.00-13.00 15.00-18.00 (max capacity inside the Tiepolo Hall: 7 pax)
Thursday: 9.00-13.00 15.00-18.00 (max capacity inside the Tiepolo Hall: 7 pax)
Friday: 9.00-13.00 (max capacity inside the Tiepolo Hall : 7 pax)
Saturday and Sunday: 9.00-13.00 15.00-18.00 (only with booking by calling 0444 696085 with at least a day in advance).

Starting form 1st May 2021, Villa Caldogno and the Bunker from the Second World War are open on Mondays and Fridays,09 - 12 and 15 - 18. On Saturdays and Sundays, it is mandatoy to book the visit by calling 345 9302084 before 15.00 on Friday.

Villa God Malinverni is open on the following days: Tuesday: 14 -18 (15-19 during summer), Saturday 10 -13, Sunday and public holidays-10-18 ( 19h during summer). Booking is mandatory for group visits. 

Villa Pisani Bonetti in Lonigo is always open, even on Mondays, and can be visited with reservation only.






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