

From 6th December 2024 to 9th March 2025

From Tuesday to Sunday: 10 - 18
Every Saturday until 4th January 2025: 10 - 20
Closed on Mondays

Reservation is mandatory for groups and schools only.

Extraordinary openings: the dates
25th December 2024, 15 - 20
30th December 2024, 10 -18
1st January 2025, 15 - 20
6th January 2025, 10 - 18
3rd March 2025, 10 - 18

Extraordinary closures: the dates
The mornings on the 25th December 2024 and the 1st January 2025.


Last entrance 30 minutes before closing time


Tickets can be bought at the ticket office inside the Palladian Basilica.


€ 6 full price
€ 4 reduced
€ 2 for schools

Free entrance for residents in Vicenza or the Vicenza Province ( via ID check at the entrance)


Tourists can visit the exhibition with either the single ticket to the Basilica Palladiana, the 4 Museums Card or the Vicenza card.

 People with disabilities can easily access the first floor by taking the lift.

  Reservation is mandatory for GROUPS and SCHOOLS, by sending an email to bThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

The majestic hall of the Palladian Basilica, symbol of Vicenza and UNESCO heritage since 1994, becomes an exceptional stage, a real theatre where a meeting between three great artists from different eras is staged: the studies and drawings of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Jacopo da Bassano’s altarpiece "L'alluvione del Colmeda" (Colmeda flood, 1510-1592), the unprecedented and spectacular site-specific installation by Gianandrea Gazzola (class 1948).

The exhibition event Tre Capolavori a Vicenza. Leonardo da Vinci, Jacopo Bassano, Gianandrea Gazzola was created and promoted by the Municipality of Vicenza with the co-organization of Intesa Sanpaolo and curated by Guido Beltramini, director of the Palladio Museum.

Just like last year’s exhibition Tre Capolavori a Vicenza. Caravaggio, Van Dyck e Sassolino was dedicated to the reflection on the experience of time, this year the curator Beltramini has created a dialogue through the centuries between three artists on the concept of nature, focused on an essential and precious element, at the base of human life: water.



The temporary exhibition "La Caduta degli angeli ribelli. Francesco Bertos" (The Fall of the Rebel Angels. Francesco Bertos) at the Gallerie d’Italia – Vicenza: from 7th January 2025 people can get a reduced admission by showing the ticket to the Palladian Basilica at their ticket office. The exhibition is free for residents of the province of Vicenza from 6th December 2024 to 6th January 2025.




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